
2010 tadhg.com Blog Statistics

17:55 Thu 06 Jan 2011
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Some statistics on my posts from 2010.

  • Total Posts: 263.
  • Total Wordcount: 85697.
  • Total Writing Time: 128 hours 24 minutes.

I think my posts have been getting shorter, and I think this year might have been a little heavy on video posts. The average post length was 325 words, and the median 200 words. Only 12 posts—out of 263—were longer than 1000 words. Only 60 were longer than 500 words. Six were zero words long, and 97 were under 100 words—which seems way too high a number, and suggests that my intuition that I’m writing too many really brief posts is correct.

The average writing time for a post was slightly under 30 minutes, and the median 22 minutes, both less than I expected. I think that the high number of very quick posts is responsible for these numbers.

Average and median start times were 18:34, which seems early, and 20:26, which seems more accurate. The former was thrown off by my occasionally writing posts in advance.

My longest piece was “Sweet Sixteen Down Under”, about Federer’s Australian Open victory. That was also the piece that took me the longest time to write, at two hours and 56 minutes.

I definitely felt as if I struggled more in 2010 with both writing and coming up with ideas for posts, and that’s not really reflected in the data except for the high number of short posts—short posts like that often happened after I’d failed to come up with a longer piece. I think that’s something I need to keep an eye on, and I’m considering minimum word counts, either per-post or weekly. It’s hard to make that compatible with the goal of getting enough sleep, though. The issues I discussed in “Perfectionism is Hard” persist, and contribute to this problem. Trying to plan ahead with post topics is probably the best answer to this, but I’ve definitely found that difficult in the past.

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