
February/March Blogging

23:51 Fri 02 Mar 2007. Updated: 11:01 05 Mar 2007
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February wasn’t a bad month, blogging-wise. I intend to continue posting every day through March, and will check in on the idea again at the end of the month.

It might be easier to work on the novel if I didn’t blog every day, but it might also result in my doing neither form of writing. I’m not willing to risk that, at least not yet. Writing for a public audience every day is good for me, and I don’t think I want to give it up anytime soon.

That being said, I have been less organized about the blogging of late. I need to stick more to a list of topics that I prepare in advance, and possibly to write some notes on those topics before actually starting them (what a shocking idea).

While not being too good on the novel front, I did write some posts I was happy with in February. I was quite happy with Musings on Social Control, although it wandered a little from my original plan. I had meant to focus more on communication problems caused by power imbalances and attempts at behavioral control. That might have to wait for another post.

I was happy with Frank Gaffney and Treason, a post that I didn’t plan at all beforehand. It just hit me that I wanted to write about it, and did. (I need to encourage that kind of thing more often).

I also liked my Valentine’s Day post, and my review of Inland Empire.

I wrote a lot of technical posts this month, and was happy with these:

Thanks to all of you who have been reading, and to those of you who have commented. I hope you keep coming back!

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