
Blog Reading

22:54 Thu 18 Oct 2007
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This is a list of the blogs and sites I read on a regular basis, not including those of friends.

These aren’t in any particular order.

Once Upon a Time…: Arthur Silber’s blog, highly recommended. [politcs]
Cursor: excellent daily roundup of stories. [politics]
This Modern World: The home of Tom Tomorrow and some other posters. [politics, miscellaneous]
A Tiny Revolution: Jonathan Schwarz’s blog. [politics]
Empire Burlesque: Chris Floyd’s blog. [politics]
Who is IOZ? [politics, satire]
Feministing. [politics, culture, feminism]
Feministe. [politics, culture, feminism, law]
Salon. [politics, culture]
Glenn Greenwald. [politics, law]
Orcinus: Dave Neiwert and Sara Robinson’s blog. [politics, culture, extremism]
Think Progress: US Congress and Senate affairs, media. [politics]
CounterPunch: political essays. [politics]
Dennis Perrin. [politics, satire]
Talking Points Memo: US Congress and Senate affairs, media, corruption scandals. [politics, law]
TPM Muckraker: US Congress and Senate affairs, media, corruption scandals. [politics, law]
Media Matters: Media watchdog. [politics, media]
Firedoglake: multi-poster blog, somewhat left-Democratic oriented. [politics, media, law]
AlterNet: stories, columns, blog coverage, video. [politics]
Lawrence of Cyberia: focus on Israeli-Palestinian issues. [politics]

BoingBoing. [politics, culture, miscellaneous, tech]
Fark. [miscellaneous, humor]
apophenia: Danah Boyd’s blog. [online culture, online sociology]
Machinist: Farhad Manjoo’s blog. [tech, online culture]
SlashDot. [tech, politics, online culture]

456 Berea Street: Roger Johansson’s blog. [web development, web standards]
Jonathan Snook. [web development, web standards]
Monday by Noon.[web development, web standards]

Creating Passionate Users: Kathy Sierra’s blog. Now dormant, but may return. [tech, application development, usability, personal development]
Escape from Cubicle Nation: Pamela Slim’s blog on entrepreneurship. [tech, personal development]

Penny Arcade: Tycho and Gabe. [humor, tech, games, webcomic]
xkcd: a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language. [humor, webcomic]
A Softer World. [humor, webcomic]

Wizards of the Coast—Magic: the Gathering. [games, MTG]
Star City Games. [games, MTG]
MTG Salvation: MTG rumors and spoilers. [games, MTG]

I’ve probably forgotten some, and I’ll add them if they spring to mind. Eventually I’ll probably add all these to a blogroll and stick it somewhere on this site.

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